We are pleased to announce the launch of Asiance Data, the number one tool to monitor and measure Kakao activities in luxury fashion and cosmetic industries in Korea.
We have spent the last two years developing the most advanced and data driven platform to give local and global brands access to key information, data trends and statistics on Kakao platform, an essential tool to understand Korean consumers. With exclusive access to important data on their own brand and their competitors, Asiance Data is giving brands a competitive advantage in their market.
Asiance Data provides decision makers with real-time visibility on luxury, fashion, and cosmetic trends in Korea. You can track more than 400 brands on Kakao with daily reports.
“Our vision is to empower decision-makers at every level with clarity of the Korean luxury market trends by giving local and global brands access to key indicators and insights on our platform.” – Javlon, head of product.
The platform provides current trends and data to make real time and effective decisions, by providing key information to deploy new strategies even faster. With this unique tool, brands can stay in line and up-to-date with the market and rapidly changing environment ahead of their competitors. Our goal is to support brands in their understanding of the fast paced digital ecosystem. Along with the numerous benefits of Asiance Data comes technical advantages.

Daily Reports
Most executives struggle to adapt to the fast-paced market as competitors make daily decisions affecting the entire industry. We have built a powerful feature allowing decision makers to monitor the market with daily reports in real time from their mobile devices. These early notifications and feed updates provide key insights to keep you proactive and stay ahead of the curve.
Data-Driven Planning
After years in the industry, we discovered that brands can have difficulty understanding the market they are trying to target. The lack of ability to see current trends and patterns can cause executives to make the wrong decisions. The market overview feature allows brands to have an instant bird-eye-view of the market status, including crucial insights and analytics. WIth the quick access to key information such as follower changes, competitor rankings and most engaged media, executives are set to make the right strategies for their brand.
Rapid Sharing
Sharing data is key for success, especially when teams are making important decisions for their brands. With direct analytics on customer behaviour trends and direct insight on customer engagement for both your own brand and your competitors, decision making is made easy for the entire team.
“We have been working in collaboration with our clients to deliver this unique set of insights to accelerate their growth in the Korean market. We are very proud to be the first platform to provide such real time data to help the luxury, fashion and cosmetics industries to make faster decisions in this growing market.” – Olivier Mouroux, CEO
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